ビック・イベントとしては、2014年11月、第1回写真展「ハンガリー+日本」を開催しました。2018年10月、トート・ステファン会長他2名の写真家が来日され、交流しました。2019年5月 ハンガリー・ルーマニア撮影ツアーを実施して、ハンガリーとルーマニアで写真展を開催しました。2019年5月〜10月 ハンガリー大使館で写真を展示しました。2019年8月 日本ハンガリー外交関係開設150周年を記念して、写真展「魅惑の国・ハンガリー」を東京で開催しました。2022年2月 創立10周年記念写真展「Hungary plus」を東京で開催しました。また、「10年の歩み」を発行しました。2022年10月 東京で開催された日本ルーマニア外交関係樹立100周年記念写真展「「日本とルーマニアの人々と風景」(日本写真協会主催)に協力しました。
Japan “Danube” Photo Club – Yokohama (JP)
Our club was formed in April 2011 by photography enthusiasts interested in Hungary and the Danube countries. There are currently 17 members, and the chairman is Ryuichi Tazaki. In September 2014, on the occasion of a photo exhibition held in Oradea, we signed a memorandum of understanding to become a partner with Toth Stefan, president of the Europhoto Art International Association (AEFA).
As for our activities, we hold regular meetings every month, public reviews of free works, digital photo study sessions, information exchange, regular photo sessions, and a general meeting in June. We are also exhibiting at the joint photo exhibition “Photo Exhibition” held in Yokohama.
As a big event, we held the first photo exhibition “Hungary + Japan” in November 2014. In October 2018, Chairman Toth Stefan and two other photographers visited Japan and had an interaction. In May 2019, we conducted a Hungary-Romania photography tour and held photo exhibitions in Hungary and Romania. From May to October 2019, we exhibited photos at the Hungarian Embassy. In August 2019, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Hungary, the photo exhibition “Hungary, the Land of Enchantment” was held in Tokyo. In February 2022, we held a photo exhibition “Hungary plus” in Tokyo to commemorate our 10th anniversary. We also published a “10 Years of Progress.” In October 2022, we cooperated with the photo exhibition “People and Landscapes of Japan and Romania” (sponsored by the Japan Photographic Association) commemorating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Romania, which was held in Tokyo.
