Paul Bock

Profile and Photographic Activity

Paul Bock

United States

Was born in Oradea, Romania, and lived most of his productive years in the USA.

  • Is an engineer, expert in the design of high-pressure steam boilers and ethylene cracking
    furnaces. He received his engineering degree from Polyethnic University of Timișoara,
  • Is a technical expert in the fields of civil, structural and forensic engineering and engineering
    ethics, and a contributor to the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors
    and Geologists.
  • Is the inventor/co-inventor of two U.S. patents in the fields of thermal energy and ethylene
    cracking furnace technology.
  • Is co-author of the book “Innovative Entrepreneurship Beyond the Limits of Knowledge”,
    published in 2020 in the US and Romania.
  • Is co-author of “The Challenge and Power of Uncertainty”, published in 2022 in the US and
  • Is the author of “Planning for Success – Achieving the Impossible”, published in 2024 in the
    USA and Romania.
  • Is author and co-author of numerous scientific research papers presented in 2019-2023 at
    various symposia and conferences of the Romanian Academy, Timisoara Branch, Romanian
    Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Timisoara Branch.
  • Is an award-winning photographer with exhibitions in China, Hungary, Moldova, Romania,
    Serbia, Ukraine and the USA.
  • Since 2013, he has been vice president of the US branch of the Euro Photo Art Association.
  • Since 2013, he has been an international juror for the European Photographers Association
  • Is a member of FIAP (International Federation of Photographic Art) and PSA (Photographic
    Society of America).
