The EFA Exhibition Centre in the E-Block of the Medieval Fortress of Oradea hosted on Monday, 15.01.2024, at 11:00 a.m. the opening of a special exhibition of photographic art, dedicated to the National Culture Day, organized by the International Association “Euro Foto Art” (AIEFA) in partnership with the Bihor County Directorate for Culture (DJCBh), Summit Agro Romania. (On this occasion, 58 photographs accepted and awarded in the international photography contest “Ce te legeni, codrule”, taken by Romanian and Hungarian photographers from the USA, Serbia, Malta, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and Hungary, were installed on the walls of the “Matei Stegerean” Gallery. The opening of the international exhibition started with the interpretation of the poem “Ce te legeni, codrule” in Romanian by the student Maria Rad from “Emanuil Gojdu” National High School and in Hungarian by the student Balta-Taics Hanna, 8th grade student of the Oradea High School of Arts. The audience present at the event, including the students of “Emanuil Gojdu” National High School, was welcomed by the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP, president of AIEFA, who presented the context in which the first edition of the international photographic art competition was organized and thanked those who contributed to the success of this international project. Ana Marchiș, the headmistress of “Emanuil Gojdu” National High School of Oradea, appreciated the originality of this project organized for the first time in the country and thanked for the collaboration with AIEFA. In conclusion, the deputy principal of the High School of Arts, Prof. Nagy Gabriella, thanked for the opportunity to participate in this special international cultural project. The opening ended with the award ceremony, during which the messages of the photographers Veaceslav Bruma (Moldova) and Ioan Roxin (France) were read. The musical moments of the opening were offered by the representative of the Cultural Group “Duo Sola Fide” from Oradea: the violin artist Thurzó Sándor József, who performed several pieces from the Romanian repertoire: “Ce te legeni, codrule ?” by G. Scheletti (Arrangement: Enrico Mezetti), “Moment zglobiu” by C. Tortan (Arrangement for violā solo by Thurzó Sándor József), “Balada” by C. Porumbescu and “Dans maramuresan” by H.Jerea. The international exhibition will remain open to the public until 14. The exhibited works will also be projected on the screens of Oradea’s means of transport, thanks to the protocol concluded between AIEFA and OTL SA.
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Photographs exhibited