Exhibition of “Mihai-Dan Călinescu” Photo Club Craiova (RO)

A new opening at the EFA exhibition center

The Exhibition Center of the International Association in the Princely Palace of the Medieval Fortress of Oradea hosted on Friday, June 21, 2024 at 18:00 the opening of the exhibition of the Photo Club “Mihai Dan-Călinescu” (FCMDC) of Craiova. The exhibition organized by AIEFA in partnership with “Summit Agro Romania” – a company belonging to the Japanese Sumitomo Corporation, supporters of agriculture and art and the Association for the Promotion of Tourism in Oradea and Region (APTOR) includes a selection of 140 images taken by photographers: Mircea Anghel AFIAP, Rodica Anghel, Olguța Albiș, Miahela&Dan Cojocaru, Crina Duchi, Gabriel Filip, Bogdan Negoiță, Mariana Popescu, Sebastian Prioteasa, Anca Roșu, Dochiana Stoican, Adrian Trica, Oana Ursu and Gabriela Vochescu. The exhibited photographs can also be admired on the AIEFA website: https://eurofotoart. ro/expozitia-fotoclubului-mihai-dan-calinescu-craiova-ro/ The public present at the event was welcomed by the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP, President of the International Association “Euro Foto Art” (AIEFA) and curator of the exhibition, who presented to the public for the absolute premiere a photograph taken in 1980 in the lobby of the National Theater in Craiova, where he participated together with the late photographer Mihai Dan-Călinescu, at the opening of the exhibition of the Photographic Club “Nufărul” Oradea entitled “Steps in the Light”. He further appreciated the good cooperation between AIEFA and FCMDC. The photographer Mircea Anghel AFIAP, president of FCMDC, praised the good collaboration between photographers from Oradea and Craiova and presented the AIEFA president with the title of excellence (E.FMDC) for the contribution to the organization and promotion of photographic art in Romania. In conclusion, the AIEFA President presented the FCMDC President with the Certificate of Patronage of the International Association. The musical moments of the opening were offered by Rock Filarmonica Oradea artists: Alexandrina Chelu-Schorr and Florian Chelu Madeva (guitar), who performed the musical pieces “The Poet” by Iosif Vulcan, “Poets” Lucian Blaga, “Rise Over Me” by Mihai Eminescu and “Introductory Sonnet” by Samson Lazar. The vernissage was streamed online at AIEFA: https://www.facebook.com/EFAExhibitionCenterOradea/videos/1774327183059199 Craioven photographers participated on Saturday and Sunday in a series of creative trips to various tourist attractions. They also took part in the opening of the exhibition of the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP entitled “Ineu – multicultural” which was organized in front of the town hall. The photographs of Craioven photographers exhibited in the EFA Exhibition Center will also be shown on the screens of Oradea’s public transportation, thanks to the protocol between AIEFA and OTL SA. The exhibition will remain available to the visiting public until July 25, 2024, on Mondays and Wednesdays between 14:00 – 18:00, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 10:00 – 14:00. The photographs installed in the showcases of the EFA Exhibition Center and in the Ștefan Vilidár István Gallery can be viewed daily between 08:00 – 20:00. Admission to all exhibitions is free!

Exhibited photos