Exhibition of the Photo Club “Óbuda” Budapest (HU) entitled “55 years – 55 pictures”

Opening in the new FIAP Oradea – Romania headquarters in Oradea Citadel

The rain on Friday frightened many lovers of photographic art in Oradea, who were invited to attend the first opening in the new premises of the “Euro Foto Art” Gallery, Exhibition Center of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), recognized by UNESCO, which is why the number of visitors was below the expectations of the organizers. On the Gallery of the Princely Palace of the Medieval Fortress of Oradea (Hall E, ground floor) there were installed 55 black and white and color photographs grouped under the title “55 years – 55 images”, made from the works of photographers Angster Márta, Bánfi Bencze, Bardos Tamás, Berci Mária, Bóla László, Duna Zoltán, Egri Zsuzsanna, Eisenmann József, Luck György, Gyimesi János, Gubák Éva, Haló Roland, Huisz István, Kiss Emilia, Koncz Dezső, Kurdi Zoltán, Lehoczki Gyöngyi, Lehotzky István, Lex Mihály, Lexná Schmied Mónika, Morvai Tamás, Mucsi Attila, Novák József, Nyitrai Ramona, Orsos Roland, Ott Ilona, Ott Ilona, Polinszky Tibor, Simon Gábor, Szabó Rita, Szendrei Tibor, Szmolanka Leszja, Tóth Katalin, Tóth-Piusz István, Váradi Katalin, Vermesné Kolozsvári Katalin and Weigerding Zoe. The exhibited photographs can also be admired on the AIEFA website: https://eurofotoart.ro/expozitia-fotoclubului-obuda-budapesta-hu-intitulata-55-de-ani-55-imagini/ The exhibition presents several genres of photographic art realized with great artistic skill. The public present at the event included photographers from the Budapest “Óbuda” Photoclub: Egri Zsuzsa, Ott Ilona, Bardos Tamás, Tóth-Piusz István, Gyimes János was welcomed by the photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP AFIAP president of the International Association “Euro Foto Art” (AIEFA) and curator of the exhibition. In his speech, the AIEFA President emphasized the importance of organizing photographic art exhibitions, which also provide an opportunity for photographers to meet photographers. “It was with great joy that we met again with the photographers from the capital of Hungary, who at the beginning of the year in January were present at the opening of the exhibition of Romanian and Hungarian photographers from abroad, many of them having participated 6 years ago in the MAFOSZ International University organized in partnership with AIEFA in Oradea and Bihor County. I appreciate the fact that the photographers from Budapest have included in their representative exhibition organized on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the well known Budapest Photo Club, photographs of a high artistic level”. In his speech, the president of the “Óbuda” Photo Club, photographer Koncz Dezső, presented their activities and thanked the organizers for the excellent conditions created for the exhibition and the program offered to the delegation of photographers from Budapest. At the end the AIEFA President presented his colleague from the capital of Hungary with the FIAP Certificate of Sponsorship and Patronage of the International Association. The musical highlights of the opening were provided by the Oradea violinist Thurzó Sándor József, representative of the Sola Fide Community and Cultural Association (SFKKE), who performed “Mama mea” by Boros Beatrice, “Old French Song” by Lászlóffy Zsolt , “Menuetto” by Macalik Alfréd and “Bicinia 19” by Kodály Zoltán (arranged for the violin by Sérgio Kuhlmann). The opening was streamed live on https://www.facebook.com/EFAExhibitionCenterOradea/videos/439964202339368. It is to be appreciated that the exhibited photographs will also be shown on the screens of Oradea’s public transportation, thanks to the protocol between AIEFA and OTL SA. The exhibition organized in partnership with the Association for the Promotion of Tourism in Oradea and its surroundings (APTOR) will remain available to the visiting public until 25 July 2024, on Mondays and Wednesdays between 14:00 – 18:00, respectively on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 10:00 – 14:00, to which public access is free!


Exhibited photos