The jubilee exhibition of István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP, a well-known Oradea photographer, will be presented at the
Népkör, Hungarian Cultural Centre, Makovecz style gallery named after Sándor Oláh. The exhibition “Moments caught in the crossfire” was first shown in the Zion Neolog Synagogue in Oradea, where it was opened on 8 August 2021, in honour of the 70th birthday and 50 years of creative work of the photographer from Oradea. Since then, the exhibition has been shown in Poland (Rzeszow), Hungary (Budapest, Békéscsaba, Gyula, Debrecen, Berettyóújfalu), Romania (Arad, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu Mures and Târgu Mures) and in Transcarpathia, in the medieval castle of Uzhhorod. In the framework of the exhibition, the photographer István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP will present the works he has created in the three stages of the development of photography (analogue, digital and smartphones). During the opening, the author will sign a 124-page black and white album published by Euro Foto Art Publishers, which can also be consulted on the website of the Euro Foto Art International Association: https://online.flipbuilder.com/eurofotoart/gvsk/
István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP photographer István Tóth was born in 1951 in Tóti, Bihar County, and is now retired. He started experimenting with photography as a young child (1964), and trained himself as a self-taught photographer. He made his debut in 1973 at the International Salon of Romania, organised under the auspices of the UNESCO-recognised International Federation of Photographic Art, with his work “The Battle for Time”, which was exhibited at the Dalles Hall in Bucharest. In a career spanning more than half a century, he has produced hundreds of artistic photographs, which have been accepted for exhibition and awarded prizes and medals at numerous national and international salons. He became a member of the Romanian Association of Photographic Art (AAFR) in 1973 and an artist of the International Association of Photographic Art since 1978. In 2001, he was one of the founding members of the World Association of Hungarian Photographers. In 2016, he founded the Technical and Photographic Art Collection (the first photography museum in Romania), which bears his name, within the Oradea City Museum, to which he donated most of the exhibits, with an inventory value of 20,000 euros. In 1990, he founded and is still the director of the Euro Foto Art Association, the oldest permanent photographic art gallery in Romania, which has opened more than 625 international exhibitions. In 2019, the gallery also became the 17th Oradea – Romania FIAP Exhibition Centre of the World, of which it is the director. For several years, he has been the cross-border vice-president of the National Association of Hungarian Photographic Artists. He is one of the founding members of the Carpathian Basin Institute, which will be part of the Carpathian Basin Institute in Szeged in 2022. The opening ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 19.03.2024 at 6 pm in the presence of the author and can be followed live on the association’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EuroFotoArtAssociation. Sándor József Thurzó, violist from Oradea, representative of the Sola Fide Community and Cultural Association (SFKKE) will perform Béla Bartók’s “Evening at the Szekler”, Zoltán Kodály’s “Bicinia 19, Sej, filipa táncom”. Alfréd Macalik: “Menuetto”, Ferenc Liszt: “Forgotten Waltz”, Dávid Popper “In memory of my unforgettable parents, op. 64, nr. 1” (transcribed for viola by the performer). During the opening ceremony, Andrea Fórián, the creative photographer of the KMFT and president of the SFKKE, will recite Ákos Dutka’s poem “Song of the Carpathians” (background music: Ferenc Demjén’s “Need another word…”) The exhibition will be open until 1 April 2024.https://www.facebook.com/EuroFotoArtAssociation.
Opening of the solo exhibition Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP in Subotica (SRB)
The gallery of the Hungarian Cultural Centre “Népkör” in Subotica (SRB), built in the Makovecz style and named after Sándor Oláh, recently hosted the opening of the jubilee exhibition of the well-known photographer Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP. The opening ceremony took place in the presence of the author and a large audience, which was greeted by the representative of the Hungarian Cultural Centre “Népkör” in Subotica Mrs. Szécsi Viktoria, who greeted the wife of the exhibiting photographer, as well as his colleagues, who accompanied him to Subotica. Photographer Vicai Olivér, president of the local Photo Club “Pannónia”, praised the artistic level of the exhibits and emphasized in his speech that “The exhibited photographs show that no matter in which period of development the images were taken they can be valuable and attractive for the visiting public. The author of the exhibition demonstrates that a photograph taken in black and white with the analogue process can equally compete with an image taken with a smart phone. The exhibition is also complex in that in addition to the black and white photographs it also presents a series of colour photographs taken in different parts of the world. I am happy that Aztecs can open a very valuable photography art exhibition!”. The exhibiting photographer, after thanking the hosts for the excellent conditions offered for the organization of the exhibition, presented the context in which the exhibits were made. “I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been able to create in the three stages of photography development. Its heyday gave me the opportunity to make many valuable photographs in the analogue lab, but also with digital cameras gave me the opportunity to make some great images. It was with great joy that I took the photos of my last personal exhibitions photographed with smart phones, with which it is possible to create in excellent technical conditions,” the exhibiting photographer emphasized in his speech. The exhibition “Moments captured…” was presented for the first time in the Zion Neolog Synagogue in Oradea, where it was opened on August 8, 2021, in honor of the 70th anniversary and 50 years of creative activity of the photographer artist from Oradea. Since then, the exhibition has been touring in Poland (Rzeszow), Hungary (Budapest, Békéscsaba, Gyula, Debrecen, Berettyóújfalu), Romania (Arad, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu Mureș and Careo) and in Transcarpathian Ukraine, in the medieval castle of Ujgorod. The musical moments were offered by Sándor József Thurzó, a violinist from Oradea, representing the Community and Cultural Association “Sola Fide” (SFKKE), who performed “Evening in Secuiesc” by Béla Bartók, “Bicinia 19, Sej, filipa táncom” by Zoltán Kodály, Alfréd Macalik: “Menuetto”, Dávid Popper “In memory of my unforgettable parents, op. 64, no. 1” (transcribed for violin by the performer). In conclusion, Andrea Fórián, AIEFA and KMFT photographer and president of SFKKE, recited the poem “Song of the Carpathians” by Ákos Dutka (musical background: “Need another word…” by Ferenc Demjén) The exhibition will remain open until 01 April 2024.

Exhibited photos